10March 30〜11月4日までの6日間、大阪・阪急梅田本店で開催されたイタリア展にて、オリーブオイルソムリエの仕事をして来ました。阪急梅田さんの立案で、イタリア展で販売されるオリーブオイル約50種類、全てテイスティングする事ができて、食べ比べができるという画期的なブースです。お客様方は、1ヶ所で食べ比べが出来るので、セールスされる事なく、本当に好みのオリーブオイルを見つける方ができるのです。ソムリエの私達の仕事は、お客様から普段どんなお料理に使われるか、または使いたいか、苦くて辛いのがお好きか、パンやサラダに使いたいのか、和食が多いのか、フルーティな物がお好きなのか、お酒はお好きかなど、ある程度の情報をお伺いしてから、後ろの棚から3〜6種類ほどのオリーブオイルをご提案します。ほとんど全てのお客様方が仰ったのは、『オリーブオイルってこんなに味が違うんですね』『家で使ってるオリーブオイルと全く違う』『口の中がサラサラする物と、ベタベタして臭い物があります』『コレ、美味し〜い!!!』『コレ、臭くてベタベタで不味い!!!』その場で食べ比べたら、『オリーブオイルの味、全くわかりません!』とテイスティングする前まで仰っていた皆様が、口を揃えて仰った言葉です。私たちソムリエも、何故こんなに味が違うのかと、お客様の疑問にお答え致しました。最後に、私が申し上げたのは、『良い香りで美味しいエキストラバージンオリーブオイルは体に良いですが、不味くて、食べた後口がベタ〜っとする物は、先ずエキストラバージンではありませんし、体にも良くないです。』と、皆様へ申し上げました。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
- 2023May 10, 2008
I attended the award ceremony of "Diebore Toscano IGP", which won the top prize at the international olive oil jury [OLIVE JAPAN 2023], on behalf of Diebore. Congratulations to the olive oil division of Diebole. As expected!!! Diebole's top award at the Japan went to Colatina in 2015, Nocerara in 2016 and Toscano IGP this year when the coronavirus pandemic was cured. (A blend of Leccino, Moraiolo and Frantoio)However, he won the grand prize in Mitsuru. After the award ceremony, shops selling award-winning oils lined up at the venue, and the olive oil marche started! The only place where you can buy such wonderful olive oil is here in Japan at the annual [OLIVE JAPAN SHOW Marche]! Many visitors and everyone bought a lot of money. Bronte's DOP certified pistachio cream "Lavico", which we started selling last year, was also very popular as I expected! To celebrate the winner of the Dievore Toscano IGP, we are pleased to announce that the very popular Ravico will be available at a special price!!! Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
全て表示More people are being gifted.
- 2020November 29 -
Since we set up a physical store, we have increased our customers. I am very grateful. Thank you. Because we have a lot of products lined up, more and more customers are buying gifts along with their home use. It is fun to think about the contents of the gift, from small gifts to souvenirs of about 5,000 yen, wedding gifts, and return of childbirth gifts ♪Yess you will also receive a year-end gift, so please come early o(^-^)oLanguage This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
全て表示Marinated dried tomatoes with many repeat customers
- 2020January 31 -
OLIVE JAPAN 2019 "Olive Marche" was held at The Seibu Ikebukuro Head Office in July last year. "Marinated Dried Tomatoes" sold out on the third day of the six days. I took a good number with me. It doesn't look very good, but I was surprised to eat it.‼Everyone, before and after the tasting is a drastic change of expression "Delicious~😍Yes, it's really delicious. I think that it is the most delicious among the bottling of the marinated dried tomato sold in Japan. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may be different from the original contents.
全て表示Olive oil course for a long time
- 2018年4月2日
For the first time in about 10 months, I took a lecture by Tada, president of the Japan Olive Oil Sommelier Association. It is a challenge to master taster "Defect flavor master course". In the course, it is especially difficult to be rough. But it is a very important course. In Japan, the demand for olive oil has increased over the past few years. So, there are overwhelmingly many consumers who don't know the flavor of real extra virgin olive oil. Even if the thing bought believing that it is extra virgin olive oil is fake, and it eats it and it is bad, "This is EXVOO or it is? It's bad, but it's really good for your health, so let's put up with it and eat it.💦💦And then. But the bad ones don't last long. On the contrary, when i eat it, my chest is burned, my stomach goes down, and the gep doesn't stop.💦💦it's not real extra virgin olive oil☝So where do I buy it? Which one to buy?? Please buy the olive oil sold in my shop!! Extra virgin olive oil is not an exaggeration to say that there is almost no regulation. The olive oil sommelier we are studying is a 'defective flavor' olive oil(including things like)We are working to educate consumers to receive safe and secure extra virgin olive oil, remembering the flavor of each defect. If you don't eat the real thing, you won't have the health benefits you're expecting. On the contrary, it is said that it causes poor health. For more information, please ask Mika Mori, an olive oil master sommelier. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may be different from the original contents.
全て表示Olive oil lesson in Sasebo
- 2017October 29 -
Today, I opened an olive oil lesson in Sasebo after a long time. Ten people were canceled due to the change of schedule and were very sorry. Today we have nine students. In the distance, we were joined by Kokura and Hakata. Since the number of people has decreased sharply, I want to tell you the most to change the contents, and i want you to talk about crushing what I want to pay attention to. Gifts for participants are also upgraded✨✨✨✨✨What a rare Turkey🇹🇷1 pack 10 pack of 'macarons' olive oil✨✨✨✨✨What a fat me😅From Hakata, Kaori Mizogami, a sommelier friend, came all the way to help me. After the lesson, the students came to buy uchihe olive oil, so i couldn't do lunch or tea together and let them go home.🙇♀💦Mr. Mizokami✨✨It was really helpful. Thank you very much✨✨✨✨I'm not going to decide next time, but i'd like to let you know as soon as possible. I'm really sorry to all of you who couldn't participate today. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may be different from the original contents.
全て表示Gifts from Spain
- 2017September 26 -
Yesterday, I received a heavy mail from Madrid in the post. About three months ago, Spain🇪🇸I got an e-mail from a woman named Pandora of EVOOLEUM. "M&m Olive63, EVOOLEUM next year edition? Can you send me some photos? And then. I didn't know what it was, so I asked the Japan Olive Oil Sommelier Association. EVOOLEUM is neat in a book dedicated to olive oil in Spain👍And it was a thing. I immediately sent you a few thank-you emails and photos. Pandora is happy to send it to you when ever the book is ready. I'm sure you'll be happy.❣He replied. To be honest, I don't expect much, and i don't know when i can do books.😅と(Mr. Pandora, I'm sorry.🙇♀)I forgot, completely. The fine thing about the book that arrived yesterday✨✨✨✨✨Like a permanent preservation version💦💦It is a splendid book which seems to be thousands of yen if i buy it. Extra Virgin Olive Oil WORLD'S TOP 100 What a small shop in the world you can buy😅 It's also only M&m Olive63 in Japan✨✨✨Last year, when I went to the Olive Oil World Exhibition in Madrid, I exchanged business cards with a lot of people, but i got a lot of Japanese people.👀I appreciate that.✨I'm so happy.✨✨But the photo is only a picture of the oil that i handle newly😅💦I'll put it on the shopping page soon.🙇♀✨✨Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
全て表示It's been a long time since I've been blogging.
- 2017年7月15日
I've been absent from blogging for a long time. For two days on July 7 th and 8th, we opened the olive oil marche 2017, japan's largest olive oil event, at Futako Tamagawa Rise in Tokyo.‼With three kinds of olive oil from Sasebo to olive oil dishes and carefully selected olive oil,✨✨✨It's natural that olive oil tastes good, but i was also particular about the visuals of the bottle. Thanks to you, many customers stopped, had them taste it, and purchased it. Thank you very much. Olive oil dishes can be purchased online, but olive oil, which debuted at The Marche, will be available to the online shop at the end of the month, so please wait a little longer. It was a very fun two days.💕💕💕Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
全て表示Thank you again today.✨✨
- 2017April 15, 2010
Today is the cheerful of early summer. It became hot and humid in the evening, and it rained, and it was strange weather when Thinking.💦In the meantime, five regular customers come to the store in the afternoon. Today's sales are the first of the 1st place in The Classico 1 of Mergaleho.ℓ。 It is the oil of the big success such as fried egg every morning, fried fried lunch and fried fry. Because it is in a pet bottle, the quality is not good.⁉😥💦💦It is the oil of Mergaleho company of the whole country though it is likely to be thought that it is.😍Incredible quality✨✨✨Is popular. The second place is the steadfast "Alberto's Lemon Olive Oil". I don't know about olive oil.😣It is popular with everyone. The taste of olive oil itself is light, organic green lemon🍋I think that it is because the smell of the skin is refreshing, and it is easy to use it for bread and the salad. You will be bought three and five bottles together by yourself. Today, the third place is The Albekeena Premium 500ml by Mergalejo. After all, albekeena seeds that bring out the taste of any ingredients and dishes mildly. It is popular because it is easy to use. As an extra edition, Italy🇮🇹Six years of balsamic, Gustozo. Very popular💕💕💕It is a high-class balsamic. It is the sale only in the store. It will be open tomorrow from 1:30 p.m. We look forward to seeing you.🍀🍀🍀Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
全て表示I passed.❣
- 2016年11月17日
12On Sunday, I passed the master sommelier qualification practical test at the Japan Olive Oil Sommelier Association [Olive Oil Flavor Appraisal Ring Test]❣❣The next is an interview with the President. I took a four-day master sommelier course last summer and took a tasting test to apply all four types of olive oil, but I failed. After that, I received it four times, but it did not reach the correct answer to all questions. A course called "Flavor Appraisal Ring Test" is conducted to improve your tasting skills once a month. Six types of olive oil are appraised in 55 minutes. Cool it 3. After it is finished, the taste test of the physical strength and energy which becomes herohero with a lot of astringency in the mouth. If you put out a correct answer rate of more than 70% here, you will pass. It is a pass in the fourth course!🍀Now, I'm going to go to the president's interview by reading a textbook that is as thick as an old phone book.💪Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.